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Retreats are my absolute passion! I have experienced some of my most profound and dramatic shifts on retreat which inspires me to create transformational spaces for others! There is something incredibly special, often life-changing, about giving yourself permission to pause, step away from the everyday rhythm and catch your breath.  On retreats you get to look at your life from a different angle, have the opportunity to appraise, get reflective and contemplative.  

I create really safe, loving spaces for people to be courageous, vulnerable and radically honest with themselves. I bring a lot of fun, laughter and play as well as compassion, tenderness and a powerful ability to listen and hold emotion.  

Community, connection, love and healing are the most important values to me when it comes to retreat. So often the people who have been part of the groups I've joined have been fundamental to the experience and many have become friends for life.  They have witnessed me go deep, and I them.  It has connected us powerfully.

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Image by Sterling Lanier
Copy of Copy of Yoga Shala in forest.jpg

Here's what's coming up over the next 12 months



Do you feel like you have lost yourself?  Is there part of you that wonders where your spark or uniqueness has gone? Do you spend most of your time looking after others, be they children, partners, colleagues, friends, parents, relatives or others?  Does life feel relentless and fast-paced with no opportunities to stop?


On my weekend retreats I invite you to Reclaim Yourself.  Within each retreat there will be a more specific focus which is shared with the group prior to gathering.  The intention is to hold space for you in a beautiful location, nourish you with delicious food, create opportunities for rest and connection, with movement, breathwork, coaching and special guests to create a really magical, restorative weekend.  Reclaim Yourself is about coming back to yourself.

The next Reclaim Yourself retreat is in Oxfordshire from 7-10th March 2025. Costs vary from £749 to £1111 depending on room choice. Payment plans are available.  



a 5-night retreat in Portugal with Sophie Brigstocke and Zoie Kennedy


What stories are you holding onto about your voice and what it says about who you are and how you show up in the world? Where have you felt silenced?
How can you take care of lost parts of your voice to enable you to speak your truth, set clear boundaries and sing and speak from the heart without fear of judgement? 

This retreat is about finding permission to fully express yourself and be perfectly imperfect, to let go of all the things you have been told you should be and be fully present with how you feel in the moment.

Zoie and Sophie will gently and expertly guide you through a five-night retreat using group coaching, breathwork, vocal exploration, somatic movement and so much more to create moments of joy and fully aligned connection, with ourselves and with each other.

You will leave feeling free, and so nurtured, fed in mind body and soul!

Join us to find PEACE, POWER and PURPOSE in your voice and celebrate transformation!


Zoie is a Natural Voice Practitioner, Choir Leader, Women's circle holder, Performer, Storyteller and Clown! 

Liberate Your Voice will be held in beautiful Oleiros, Portugal from Monday 28th April - Saturday 3rd May 2025

Costs vary from £1299 to £1899 depending on room choice. Payment plans are available


Let's deep dive! This unbelievably special opportunity is about giving yourself a week to go all in, to step away from your everyday life, to immerse yourself in a magical environment, to be supported to let go of what isn't working and come back into your life feeling supported, energised and inspired.  


Immersion takes place in the most magical place I have ever visited in the world.  The Osa Peninsula in Costa Rica is so lush and rich - expanses of tropical rainforest with stunning birds, animals and plants as well as huge expanses of beautiful water - a world away from a busy, cosmopolitan environment.  As we immerse we will build deep relationships within our small group of no more than 8 participants, bring to the surface old stories and patterns that are ready to be released and demonstrate to ourselves the extraordinary inner strength and power that is within each of us. 


Accommodation is at a stunning eco-lodge, accessed only by boat, with three delicious meals freshly-prepared each day, opportunities to join daily yoga sessions as well as the activities curated to support the  Immersion experience.

Costs vary from £5555 to £6666 depending on room choice. Payment plans are available.  Travel to and from Costa Rica is not included in the price.  All accommodation, food and travel from the local airport to the venue, as well as all activities within the retreat are included.  

Image by Milad Fakurian


Bringing awareness to yourself and how you connect in community.  Belonging is a beautiful way to gift yourself a day of nourishment and experience a taster of the different aspects of my work - Breathwork, movement, group coaching and reflective practices, all in a comfortable environment with delicious food provided.  

Autumn dates tbc - Clapham, London and costs £99.

Image by Milad Fakurian


For more information, get in touch with Sophie. Book a free call to discuss retreats here:

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